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  • Writer's pictureEmma Durant

MUMBO: A Symbolic Journey in Brand Development

Developing my own brand was a deeply personal journey that started with the search for the perfect name. After introspection and careful consideration, I decided on "MUMBO" design as it beautifully encapsulates my identity as a passionate designer and a multi-faceted individual. As a wife, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, niece and volunteer, and now business owner my most important role is that of a mother (MUM) to my BOys, and "MUMBO" perfectly represents this integral part of my life.

The butterfly, an emblem of transformation, hope, and positivity, resonates with me on a deep level. Its sociable nature, influence, friendliness, and optimism deeply mirror my own journey and the way I aspire to impact others through my design work.

A butterfly on a girls hand. MUMBO design the butterfly symbol
The Butterfly - an emblem of transformation

Selecting Brand colours

Delving into the selection of brand colours, I found a profound connection with the symbolism attributed to blues. Representing cleanliness, trustworthiness, loyalty, and responsibility, these traits are synonymous with the values I aim to uphold in my business. Additionally, the inclusion of coral in my colour palette stands for vitality and energy, aligning with the essence I wish to convey through my brand. These colours not only reflect my personal ethos but also aim to forge a connection with my target audience, primarily comprising businesses in the health and wellness sectors – a field that holds great significance in my life and work.

A rainbow with butterflys. MUMBO design the butterfly logo

Do you already have a brand that could use a transformation to make it stand out and resonate with your target audience? Or do you have lots of ideas and need some help bringing them to life? Don't hesitate to reach out, and let's collaborate to create something truly exceptional for your business. I'm based in Fareham, working from my home office, and I'm eager to help you kickstart your journey today. Let's have a chat!


MUMBO design

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